Realtor and Agent Efficiency
Just like any business, managing your real estate or mortgage company is a matter of understanding objectives, defining a plan, setting priorities and then executing on your plan.
Here are some suggestions for using technology to follow through on your business opportunities.
1) Learn to use the technology you have and determine what works for you and what does not. Just because you have or buy all of the tech "toys" doesn't mean they are helping you improve your effectiveness. If you get a new PDA or phone with all kinds of management features use it for a month and see if it is helping your income or wasting a lot of your time mastering Tetris.
2) Learn Outlook - even if you're not a huge email user, Microsoft Outlook has a LOT of business management features that can really help you run your business, you should take the time to utilize the features;
a) email - if you're not a heavy email user, learn to be...if you are, use Outlook to build up your contact database and then use the mail merge feature to send custom e-mail notices to your contacts.
b) calendar - time management is extremely important, especially if business is going well. You can loose far more money when things are going well and you miss an apt. than when things are average and you miss something. Use the calendar feature to stay on top of things and now you can usually synchronize it up with most PDA's, some phones and even run it web-based through some hosting companies.
c) contacts - your contacts are dollars, save every single one of them. You're contacts database is probably your most important asset. Use Outlook to build up your contact database and segment it out by right clicking on your "Contacts" icon in the left navigation area...create a sub-category and save your friends, your farm contacts, potential clients, past clients, sold, in-process and other categories as refined as you please. Remember each sub-category can easily become a mail merge and you can send out e-mail, mail or use myAgentPHONE’s VoiceCast system to send a pre recorded message to a group or several groups. Need to make a conference call? myAgentPHONE also makes it very easy for you to set one up. You can patch in your clients with your lenders, escrow and title officers or any other associate that you may need to connect on a single call with just a few clicks of your mouse.
3) Put EVERYTHING in your "system." Whether you use a planner, PDA or your computer (Outlook) just get in the habit of entering everything. If you speak to someone, drive somewhere, set an appointment or learn about a new opportunity...make a note of it in your "system." You never know when you're going to have to reference the information.
4) Take 30-60 min. EVERY DAY to organize your time, thoughts, notes, plans and objectives.
Chances are you probably already do most, if not all of these. If you do, fantastic, you're probably a top producer in your region or company. If you don't, or do most of these...take the time to hit each one and don't forget #4, organization is the easiest to neglect but the most important to your success.
Keep up the good work,
Damien Zamora